====== 《真道探微》系列 ====== 作者:林義鴻(LYH)著 初稿完成日期:2013-09-20 ===== 目錄 ===== ==== 緒論 ==== * [[ti01 Worship starts from knowledge|敬拜必始於認識]] ==== 本論 ==== * 壹、我們當敬拜獨一真神 * [[ti11 Why should worship the only true God|一、為什麼要拜獨一真神?]] * [[ti12 What is the only true God|二、什麼是獨一真神?]] * [[ti13 How to worship the only true God|三、如何敬拜獨一真神?]] * [[ti14 Discussing the truth and doctrine|四、論真理和教義]] * 貳、當遵守神的一切律法 * [[ti21 Knowing God and the knowledge of God|一、認識神與神的知識]] * [[ti22 The continuity of the Covenant of Yahweh|二、雅威之約的連續性]] * [[ti23 Blessed are those who keep the law|三、常守律法的人有福了!]] * [[ti24 Concerning the abolition of slavery and private vendetta fights|四、論廢奴制與私鬥仇殺]] * [[ti25 Discussing the authority and force of the law|五、論律法的權威和強制力]] * [[ti26 Covenant|六、盟約]] * 參、當信從神的基督耶穌 * [[ti31 Believing in Christ and the faith of Christ|一、信從基督與基督的信從]] * [[ti32 The identity and status of Christ|二、基督的身位]] * [[ti33 The mission of Christ|三、基督的使命]] * [[ti34 Christ martyr because of keep the law | 四、基督為守住律法而殉道(一)]] * [[ti34 Christ martyr because of keep the law 2 |  基督為守住律法而殉道(二) ]] * [[ti34 Christ martyr because of keep the law 3 |  基督為守住律法而殉道(三) ]] * 肆、當求受聖靈的浸 * [[ti41 Knowing the Holy Spirit|一、認識聖靈]] * [[ti42 Correcting the wrong concept of the Holy Spirit|二、更正錯誤的聖靈觀]] * [[ti43 Rethinking the Speaking in tongues|三、再思「說方言」]] * [[ti44 Discussing the Speaking in tongues and Prophecy from Corinthians|四、由《哥林多前書》論「說方言」和「說預言」]]